Monday, 31 March 2014


I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that I probably could do a lot more to keep healthy and fit. For example, I have the upper body strength of a small child and a gym membership which, if you take into account the amount I actually use it, probably costs me about £15 a session. However, by some miracle, the past few days I have been feeling quite motivated to make a quick run for the healthy side of life. Sure, it probably is the looming, ever-closer threat of summer and the terrifying notion that, yes, I will have to buy my bikini soon otherwise they'll only have the weird ones left in stock, but it's a good feeling all the same. 

So, in an attempt to make this new, motivated me hang around for a bit, I've decided that, for the month of April at least, I will be eating healthily and exercising daily; a challenge for which I have created the ingenious tag #activeapril*. I'll be keeping you all updated on my progress on this blog, but also on my Instagram and Twitter pages (not-so-subtle plug for you to follow me on these too).

If any of you would like to join me in my quest for a healthy body, please feel free to take up this challenge as well! Having others to answer to if you start getting lazy can really only be a good thing. Having others to validate the fact that, no, you really don't need to have that burger you've been craving all day is a great thing. Make sure you use the tag #activeapril on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook and you're all set. 

Anyway, it's probably an idea that I get off this computer and start doing something active! But, before I do, I have to tell you all, I poached eggs this morning for the first time and they actually looked like poached eggs are supposed to. For me, this is a huge step in the right direction. Wish me luck, I'm going to need it.

*I have no idea if #activeapril is already a thing. Let's hope I don't get slapped with a copyright violation... 


Hey guys and gals, I have some very exciting news for you. Guess who I'm currently sharing a Chai Tea Latte with in Starbucks? Well, not sharing exactly, that would be weird. However, I am enjoying the company (with our very separate beverages) of the beautiful Sunna from the fashion blog "The New Noir".

Sunna is a designer and writer from London and writes posts about fashion trends and style which are both helpful and interesting for fashionistas and style virgins alike. She also blogs her own progress as a designer and often includes helpful tips on beginning a career in the industry. I especially loved her recent get the look on Clemence Poesy; because who wouldn't want to look like Clemence? She is effortlessly elegant and, more importantly, she was in Harry Potter. That's all I look for in a woman, really.

So, I think I've now effectively built up the suspense, although the title gave everything away before I'd even started: we are going to be starting a collaboration series together! The series, called "Make Me Up", will give you style advice for your height, shape, age, skin tone, facial structure. We also thought we'd throw in a few "Get The Look" posts for good measure, where we'll show you how to look your best whatever the occasion, wear the latest trends, and recreate that celebrity look you've been dying to try.

I hope I've managed to whet your appetite with this little taster (pun intended). If you are intrigued by this OTP, then check back in two weeks when our first post of this fortnightly series will go live. For those of you who actually have a life, OTP stands for One True Pairing. I wouldn't look it up, if I were you. There's some very strange (I would even go as far as horrific) fan fiction on the internet.

Please go and check out Sunna's blog if you have the chance! Here's an example of her design work.

Sunday, 23 March 2014


I am very happy to have my third Liebster Award! Thank you very much, Selina! Check out Selina's blog, here. Here's a quick post with the answers to her questions.

What is your favourite perfume at the moment?
I have a staple perfume which is my signature scent, Nina Ricci's 'Nina' (the original, although I do love the special editions as well). I've pretty much used Nina Ricci my whole fragrance-wearing life. I should probably try and be a bit more adventurous, really. I did try Prada's 'Candy' this summer and absolutely loved the scent, but found it didn't last very long on the skin. Basically, anything that smells really, really sweet.

What are the three main qualities you look for in a partner?
A sense of humour, caring personality, and an optimistic outlook on life.

If you wear makeup, name one item of makeup you couldn't live without.
It would have to be mascara. My eyes are usually the focal feature of any makeup look I create, so mascara is a must!

Which do you prefer: bags, shoes or clothes?
Clothes. Every time. I actually went out to replace some worn-out jeans yesterday and ended up coming back with three extra tops.

If you had the chance to meet someone famous who would it be?
If it could be anyone from any time, possibly Audrey Hepburn. I just think she was so elegant and such a great role model. I have the obligatory IKEA canvas print of her in my bedroom.

All time favourite quote from her: "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!"

If it had to be someone alive today, probably JK Rowling, partly because the Harry Potter books were essentially my childhood, but also because she is such an inspiration for all those aspiring female writers out there. Oh, and she studied Classics at the same university as me, so, you know, we'd have something to chat about.

Favourite season and why?
Definitely summer. Hands down. I get cold really easily and summer is pretty much the only season in Britain where you can guarantee a few warm days. Also, there's nothing better than a summer evening. I genuinely think everything seems better when it's bright and sunny outside!

Who is your favourite style icon?
I'm not really sure I necessarily have a style icon as such. I just buy what I like and think suits me. If I had to choose, it would definitely have to be either Audrey Hepburn (the last mention of her, I promise) or Grace Kelly. I just think that style era was so glamorous and sophisticated. One of my all-time favourite films is High Society, so if we could just all dress like that again, that would be great. Thanks.

If you had £100,000, what would you do with it?
I would explore the world! Spend it all! That's what I say! Just joking, I'd save at least £1000...well maybe like £500.

If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I've always loved Spain because I have family there, especially Madrid which is a beautiful city. I want to travel quite a few places but, at the moment, I have my heart set on Australia and Fiji. Oh, and I'd love to live in America at some point.

What is your favourite clothing brand?
Topshop because they do clothes for little people. I find it really hard to find clothes that fit me because I'm a rather tiny 5ft1. I also really love H&M. I think they do great quality clothes for really reasonable prices.

Describe yourself in 3 words.
Little, cheerful, amiable.