So, in an attempt to make this new, motivated me hang around for a bit, I've decided that, for the month of April at least, I will be eating healthily and exercising daily; a challenge for which I have created the ingenious tag #activeapril*. I'll be keeping you all updated on my progress on this blog, but also on my Instagram and Twitter pages (not-so-subtle plug for you to follow me on these too).
If any of you would like to join me in my quest for a healthy body, please feel free to take up this challenge as well! Having others to answer to if you start getting lazy can really only be a good thing. Having others to validate the fact that, no, you really don't need to have that burger you've been craving all day is a great thing. Make sure you use the tag #activeapril on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook and you're all set.
Anyway, it's probably an idea that I get off this computer and start doing something active! But, before I do, I have to tell you all, I poached eggs this morning for the first time and they actually looked like poached eggs are supposed to. For me, this is a huge step in the right direction. Wish me luck, I'm going to need it.
*I have no idea if #activeapril is already a thing. Let's hope I don't get slapped with a copyright violation...
Count me in! I really need some motivation and really need to get into this fitness buisness before summer comes around!
That's my thinking as well! Hopefully announcing to the internet will actually make me stick to it! I'd definitely check out The Lean Machines, Carly Rowena, and Blogilates on YouTube if you're interested! They have some great tips! x
Deletei've just joined the gym to day, i've got 9 weeks to get a bikini body i'm gonna need all the help i can get
ReplyDeleteJorden x
Oh 9 weeks is still quite a long time! Let me know how it's going! I'll probably do an update on my blog on Monday :) x
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